NEO Monitors has been manufacturing Laser Analyzers for 39 years.
NEO TDLAS Laser Based Combustion Analyzers are being used in Several Refineries here in the US and abroad. The image below is of the NEO Monitors Laser Gas IQ² Vulcan. This is a MUTLI-GAS Combustion Analyzer designed specifically for Refinery Process Heater Applications. One Analyzer can measure up to 4 Gases Plus Temperature. The Vulcan IQ² is a Single Flange-Mounted TDLAS Laser Analyzer packaged in a Weatherproof Class 1/Div. 2 Enclosure. The Ambient Temperature Rating on the Sensor is 131° F, but the Probe can operate in Gas Temperatures up to 1562° F.
The IQ² Vulcan is a Multi-Gas Analyzer. Measures Oxygen and Carbon Monoxide with the capability of reading Methane, Temperature and Moisture as well.
Features of The Vulcan IQ² Probe:
- Approximately 5 ft. long
- Weighs approximately 70 lbs
- Mounting is via a 3” or 4” 150/300# flange
- Maximum Process Gas Temperature is 1562° F.
- Nitrogen Purge Gas is used to Isolate the Optical Windows from the Process.
- Cleaning of the Optical Windows is normally not required.
- Ethernet Modbus TCP and Analog Outputs along with Alarm Relays are standard
- Optional 3-sided Shelter is available.
- NEO Laser Gas IQ² Analyzers require NO Calibration Gas.
- TDLAS Lasers Typically Last 10 years in extremely harsh environments.
- The Touch Screen Controller/Display can control up to 4 NEO Laser Gas Analyzers.